As we begin a new Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) Campaign, in 2024 titled “We Are the Lord's”, I am going to again make a bold ask. DSF for us is not just about raising a certain amount of money. This is part of our stewardship as we show not only thanksgiving to God, but justice and charity to our neighbor. My bold ask: that every single household of this parish participate in DSF 2024. If this sounds familiar, you are right—I made this ask last year. Some responded while many did not. Nearly 44% of our households contributed to the campaign, but that remains a minority. We are grate- ful for the generosity of those who gave, but it should not be incumbent upon a minority to support the works of the Church to those in need—the responsibility belongs to us all.
-Father Jeff Bame
Registered parishioners should have received a letter from Cardinal DiNardo requesting your support. The Cardinal's letter included a pledge form and return envelope, simply complete the pledge form and drop it in the mail or the parish offetory box.
Click here to make your donation online. You are able to make a one time donation or setup a recurring donation. Be sure to select our parish from the drop down menu so your donations will go toward reaching our goal.
You may call the DSF office at (713) 652-4422 to create a pledge, setup recurring donations, or make a one time donation. Be sure to indicate that your donation should go toward meeting the Co-Cathedral's DSF goal.
You may send a check (made out to Diocesan Services Fund) to: Diocesan Services Fund, P.O. Box 4681, Houston, TX 77210-4681. Be sure to indicate that you are a member at the Co-Cathedral so the pledge is credited to the parish.